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10 Items Married Couples MUST discuss BEFORE they Meet with Estate Planning Counsel

While the estate planning circumstances of every married couple is different--different family dynamics, family tree, family objectives, size of estate, assets involved--there are some things that every couple will need to address as part of the estate planning process. 

It can be better to have some initial discussions about these items privately, rather than waiting until the lawyer asks the questions of you.  Since these conversations can affect families for generations into the future, the decisions may be better thought out if addressed prior to meeting with the estate planning attorney. 

A quick description of the 10 things that married couples should discuss prior to meeting with the estate planning attorney include: 

1.  When one of us dies; 

2.  After we both die; 

3.  Outright or in trust; 

4.  Who will oversee distributions; 

5.  Our personal effects; 

6.  Our money if we are incapacitated; 

7.  Our health care if we are incapacitated; 

8.  Life support and end of life decisions; 

9.  Will or trust; 

10.  Future skilled long term care. 

For prospective law firm clients who want to schedule a free 15 minute initial phone call or video meeting with Gayla K. Austin please call 307.200.1914.  


I offer a consultation over the telephone. I further offer a diagnostic interview in which we will meet in person and go over your documents.
